I've been noticing and hearing reports from other buyers about an upsurge of fraudulent sellers lately. Summer always seems to bring out the amateur scammers as school lets out. No doubt the world's economy is responsible for many scammers looking to make a fast buck. One new scam I learned about from a reliable source in the panty community is definitely something every buyer needs to be aware of. It seems a growing number of scammers are stealing photos from amateur porn stars web sites and using the porn stars' names and photos to sell buyers panties. The web is so huge that the scammers are taking the bet that they'll get several orders paid for before the real person realizes that their photos and name are being used and takes action.
The good news is that my birdie tells me that the Major panty selling and auction sites are aware of the scam and are checking out new sellers carefully. Just to be safe, always Google a new seller's name or username before deciding to send them your hard-earned cash. If your search results turn up something strange ask the seller to explain and see what response you get. Any honest seller will be happy to help a buyer with any questions. Don't forget that if you uncover a scam to report it to the administrator of the site where you found the sales listing and make an entry in the individual wall of shame blog.
Thanks to all who continue to keep me up to date and in the loop. Please keep your tips and findings coming. Together, we can actually do something to combat the scammers and frauds.