Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Usedpantysellingadvice.com Sellusedpanties.com Scam

I usually write on topics that apply mostly to used panty buyers but this new report is important for girls that want to sell panties online and are looking for free advice on how to sell used panties online. I have learned that a new advice site has opened called Used Panty Selling Advice at usedpantysellingadvice.com . What's the problem? Plenty I'm afraid.

A peek at the whois for the site shows the person who owns and runs it is no other than "Amber Fellows" the stage name of the person who runs laceinyourface.com and countless other websites, blogs, Twitter accounts, and hate/spam rags. Most who have read my blog over the years will remember that name with not so fond memories. She hasn't been around much lately but for a time was selling on all the panty sites a few years ago until she disappeared. Is she a panty seller new panty sellers should look to for advice? You be the judge.

According to information provided on the web, "Amber" was barred from selling on Panty Hog and MyUsedPantyStore due to buyer complaints around 2008 and her feedback history on ebanned shows that ebanned finally shut her down in August of 2009.

Here is the real ugly kicker. According to "Amber Fellow"'s own posts on her blog, she was a  long time member of Panty Trust at some point and Panty Trust ended up revoking her seal and membership. What this actually means is that 300 Panty Trust members, her fellow used panty sellers, voted to revoke her Panty Trust membership. 300 of your "sisters" voting to boot you out of the house seems to suggest that they clearly found some pretty damning evidence against her being an ethical panty seller that provides good customer service.

Forward a couple of years later and this person banned from selling panties on sites all over the panty community is now going to give advice to new panty sellers? Once again, something stinks in pantyland. While we watch and see exactly what kind of scheme this person is running, buyers are warned to proceed with caution. The last thing we panty buyers needed was a school where tricks and cons that panty sellers can use to ripoff buyers are taught. The panty selling venues and 300 of the web's most established and trusted sellers don't come together and demand that a fellow seller be banned without a very good reason. For the safety of our hard earned money, we need to assume the worst here.