Here is the wall. Post your comments here to expose the cretins for what they are - pathetic frauds. All fraud reports are welcome here. No holds barred. Tell it like it is. Be sure to check back or use rss to learn of the newest fraud reports in the world of used panties.
Lets see...who is at the very top of the list? Who lied to us about being female? Who stole our money for panties from women who never existed? Who hacked into and took down another person's site? Who is stalking and threatening an upstanding, honest panty seller? Who has been time and time again exposed as a fraud, liar, and bully, but still denies it in face of the plain facts?
ReplyDeleteI'd like to know why Cindy and ebare are still linking partners with the crooks at saucypantys? Look on the saucy index page. Are they part of the scam or do they just condone scams like this? I say stay away from from ebare and Cindy's site until we get a good explanation.
ReplyDeleteSomething stinks at Chandie's panties. This "gal" has taken a low profile since the whole saucy scandal broke. But she's been very busy building a fake site called www.i3log (dot com). This is set up top look like a blog site just like blogger. The only thing is that all the blogs on it are simply feeder pages and ads for her commercial smut, cock enlargement, gambling rev share programs. The best part is every page on the site links to chandie. If you visit there go ahead and try and sign up for your own free blog. Notice anything? You can't! Ha Ha! It takes you right back to the index page.
ReplyDeleteThe whole place is a farce. Chandie recently moved to the US from the UK. Check out panty cop's blog about the saucy US/UK connection. This girl Chandie is dirty. Watch your wallet around that one boys.
thanks for the chandie sham info mate wondered about that site too swap you that for this on worn4u noticed here are tinas pantys on worn4u make of it what you will
bottom pic green pantys same as here
same green pantys two diffwerent sites same site if you ask me scam fucking bware
Regarding the green panties, I think that is because 34u own the phone lines and services that are on display. I have seen these adverts on lots of sites, they are affiliate ones for 34u.
ReplyDeleteI looked at the i3log link, I could not see any links to chandies?
Hmmmm, I would accept the green panties thing other than saucypanties claim to have no connection whatsoever with worn4u .... but looking up that 34u site (thanks BTW) far from being unconnected, saucy & worn4u actually appear as thick as thieves then ?
ReplyDeleteYet quoting from the saucy blog :
"Worn 4u - Not sure why this has been linked to us?"
Not sure why this has been linked to us ??? LMAO ! For the sweet love of God can't these people just STOP lying ?
Enter what is between the quotes into the search box at Google: "link:http://www.chandiespanties.com/" Google varies which links they show but every time I see a ton of i3log sites linking to Chandie. Now visit one of those links and scroll to the bottom of the page. See all those small links to penis enlargement, MLM, fake software, etc on the way down? Keep going, BOOM! There is chandies link in much larger text than any other text on the entire page it is huge. Not only is Chandie scamming panty buyers and mixed up in this whole saucy and worn4u scam but she's pushing all that ripoff spam shit.
ReplyDeleteI repeat, Chandie is as phony as a three dollar bill. Buyer beware.
Chandie is now the in the number one position on the link area of Saucy Panties. Way to go Chandie you scamming whore! Or should I say Tina?
ReplyDeleteNew here guys, I have certainly suspected that saucy website for ages, nice to see my suspicions confirmed, fucking cock-muppets.
ReplyDeleteAnd that chandie site ? Just move the fuck on mate whoever you are. We're all bored to rigid, pissing death with these panty scams now.
Keep up the good work.
Reg V
Hi Good work with exposing the fake Saucy empire, I've noticed that all of their 'panty girls' have been very very quiet considering if they are real they've been accused of being fake!! What a laugh and fuck me, look - twinsusedpanties has disappeared off the face of the earth, perhaps with all the hard work in trying to prove saucy is real they forgot to renew the twins domain? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA fucking conmen, your days are over
ReplyDeleteHAHAHA, Yeah, there days are over but they still pretend that there the best and busyest on the net with there blog, what a laugh mate. It makes me laugh everytime.
ReplyDeleteTell ya what an all. It's obvious they read genuine sellers blogs cos they talk about what the other sellers talk about.
If youre gona lie at least be original!
Nice blog mate. Jusr what we need, i new there was something not right about that saucypanties. I still read their blog though cos that tiffany or whoever she is fit, better than that scrawny bint tina. But that blog is a right laugh. All they do is copy annas blog. They're talking about that writer, who anna told us about weeks ago. That just isnt right.
ReplyDeleteCopying the Cone story?
ReplyDeleteTina is asking for one to be bought for her but Anna GETS one bought for her and then tells us about her Cone.
How's that copying?
Anna gets mentioned on a writer's blog and then she is quoted on the writer's article which also mentions Underdares.
We then get a Saucy blog on Underdares and then they tell us about the writer Anna has previously had dealings with.
Anna gets a PR3 rating then Saucy tells us all about their search term success.
Jess asks for feedback then next day saucy slag off feedback even though they posted their own feedback a few days before.
Jess mentions GPay and then saucy talk about GPay.
It's all there in the dates so I can see why some people think Saucy is reading other blogs and then writing their own. Not 100% original are they?
Anna does mention Saucy and I don't blame her after the way they harrassed her, Tina has admitted on her blog that she's trying to cast spells at her!
Check the emails on Anna's site from Saucy to her about the fake order and the group being deleted.
Then ask who has the problem with who.
What the fuck? Saucypanties has been exposed as a complete fraud and rippoff. Why are they even being discussed like they are a viable source of used panties? I didn't even know that their site was still up. If you are really one of their big fans you must be a complete fucking idiot. You are sniffing some guy's asshole and balls you stupid shit.
ReplyDeleteI am a lover of both Tiffany and Tina...
ReplyDeleteI should think you are, you're married to one of them.
Some of us knew you were fake because we'd been ripped off in the past, now the rest of the net knows you are too.
Their site is a link farm now, but they're struggling, you can advertise on their site now for less than $2 a month. They are just fucking desperate.
See anonymous, now THIS is what it looks like when I post a comment.
ReplyDeleteBefore you involve me in this bull***t argument try getting your facts right. I've never commented prior to this on the board nor will I comment again after this one. My stance on Saucy is clear, I don't sit under an anon username and as far as I'm concerned this is no longer an argument. An argument requires 2 sides and Saucy's folded long ago.
If you do indeed enjoy "Scrawny Bint" and Tiffany's panties then good for you, stick with it. Between you and the two buck a time advertisers you're paying their mortgage (if they lived in a card board box)
Don't make me call my imaginary lawyer now, he's busy nowadays chatting to Dick! But you'd know all about that if you order from where I think you do, you've been chatting to a dick since day one.
Jess xxx
Saucypanties is a fraud. I didn't find this blog until after I fell for their scam. I'm out of my hard earned money. What can I do now? I don't know if it is a bloke or not there because they just never sent them to me. Buyer Beware.
ReplyDeleteHow long did it take for you to think that one up?
Well done
Anna xx
This is hilarious, keep 'em coming
ReplyDeleteAnna xx
I am one sick fuck
ReplyDeleteThis is all fun and games to some it appears. I find nothing funny here. I sent my money to saucy for a pair of panties and photos of her in them. Long time goes by and I get a pair of panties and pictures. Problem is the panties aren't what I ordered and the pictures are of some ladies arse with some other panties on them. I write to saucy about it and get some bullshit excuse about a mix up of the orders. I'll say it was mixed up, this response came from worn4u. I order from saucy, they fuck up my order, I complain, then I get a response back from another panty selling site? I never did get anything but bullshit excuses from those fuckers at saucy.
ReplyDeleteI don't give a ripe shit arse if they're real or not discussion. These people are fucking criminals.
Eddy I had a very similar experience. It seems there are many of us in the same boat.
ReplyDeleteThankfully they were shut down. They'll probably just come back under another name though. It is a shame these people have nothing better to do than to rip off people. Doesn't anyone ever get a real job and go to work anymore?
Nope, just checked. order area has been shut down. The site seems to still be there. Probably paid up on hosting till the end of the month. By the way, why would you have just ordered two weeks ago!? They've been outed as fakes for a few months now.
ReplyDeleteI removed the various anonymous viagra, gay dating, and other rubbish and spam posts. Interestingly, all these posts shared the same IP as that identified by Anna as coming from Saucy.
ReplyDeleteWell it is time to close this chapter in the book. I will be starting a new entry soon. I'll leave you with this though. Saucy said "I don't know why we are accused of having anything to do with worn4u, I swear, I'd never even heard of that site until now".
ReplyDeleteWell let's take a look at a recent post of hers/his on another site shall we? Check out this post here - http://www.greenguyandjim.com/board/showthread.php?t=25108
Notice anything? What do the non panty people have to say after taking a glance at the site? Well I'll show you. Take a look at the last post in this thread - http://www.greenguyandjim.com/board/showthread.php?t=18668
Nuff said? Stick a fork in it. This story is closed.
Yes, at first it was funny, now it is just simply pathetic. Still after checking out the Greenguy posts I can't believe what a bad liar she or he is. I've never heard of worn4u but I'll give you a front page link on worn4u because it is one of my sites. Old sauce should have hung it up long ago. I happened by the saucy blog all Anna all the time as usual but something did catch my eye. He says he is doing so well financially. If that's so, and we are to believe that the saucy scam is being pulled off by a husband and wife team as they claim, let me ask you this: What kind of man puts his wife out on the street to peddle her dirty panties. A real man could support his family without whoring out the wife. How pathetic. A regular fucking freak show it is.
ReplyDeleteBefore you close the book on saucy, one last thing. I've seen the evidence that points to Tina's true age.
ReplyDeleteShe describes herself as 30 something whereas she's really 45! No wonder she doesn't show her face eh?
Here's one for you. Zelda from pocopanties. You might want to avoid unless you like the stench of strong B.O. She looks good but her stuff smells like a football locker room. I wrote to complain and she said she doesn't bath but once a week and doesn't use deodorant. A cultural thing she says. I say she smells like some dirty dude's armpit in August. Horrible to say the least.
ReplyDeleteThat cunt Poco ripped me off too. I complained to ebanned and got their usual response - nothing. Fuck these these crooks like poco and the places that promote them like ebanned. Half the ads on the place are frauds, and a quarter of the rest never send your items. ebanneds laughing all the way to the bank while we get ripped off.
ReplyDeleteSaucy warning. pantydraw is owned and run by the same dude that runs saucy and worn4you. Extreme caution needed here because listings of panty sellers that they have are mostly fakes with a few naive girls that don't know any better mixed in. Be safe, avoid that place entirely.
ReplyDeleteChandie of Chandie's Panties is a scam. Owner by Saucy.
ReplyDeleteWhat a crock of back stabbing shite this blog is. Cindy's, Chandie's, Saucy's and Coco I have ordered from them all and each time I have received some great panties. I disagree with JB above about Saucy but agree 100% with the rest of his post 99% of these comments are obviously by other panty sellers. Stop the scare mongering and name calling it's only ruining the panty community
ReplyDeleteA crock of back stabbing shite?...the evidence is out there for god's sake...saucypanties are frauds.
ReplyDeleteYou ordered from COCO, the famous clown?
Mmmmm. Clown pants. Yummy!!
In response to JBGood.
ReplyDeleteI wrote the comment about my experience with Poco. I'm glad to hear you had a better experience, but that doesn't give you the right to attempt to discredit mine. This isn't a discussion forum. People post their bad experiences here. I had a bad experience with my order from Poco. I quoted directly from her email to me regarding the "cultural thing" so put the race card back in your pocket.
Why are people still talking about Saucy like the subject is open to debate? Read the name of this blog. They are old news and the role model for all other fakes. We already know not to buy from them, let's keep focused on new information that panty buyers can find useful.
ReplyDeleteI have emails from a panty auction site telling me it's perfectly ok to defraud buyers. Can I send it to you along with the name of the seller and the sellers site? (I withheld that info from buyers who thought they knew who it was...I was being nice (I thought). I was actually threatened by this seller when this site gave her my name and address!!!!! She uses tofu on her panties ...eewwww and she's much older than she says. I have pictures and am putting up a site with them on it....coming soon :)
ReplyDeleteArcellis Desin is a ripoff. She never sent me what I ordered
ReplyDeleteArcellis Desin the panty goddess only sends some of her panty orders. The first order she shipped after about a month. I'm still waiting on the panties I ordered at the end of June.
ReplyDeleteHobbyists be carefull!
what about the jelous hags that try to ruin sellers? can we post them to?
ReplyDeleteYour blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
ReplyDeleteScarlett's panties arrived but smelled almost brand now, even though they were supposed to have been worn 48 hours. Maybe she's just super clean I dont know.